Original Denture Adhesive Seals Triple Action Lowers. These are the
all-day strong hold adhesive seals with cushiony soft feel. No ooze like
pastes & no need to reapply. 1 seal lasts all day. Zinc-free.
Place dry Sea-Bond® seal onto clean, dry denture. Trim any overlap with
scissors. Once size is right, trim all seals in package to match. 2.
Place trimmed seal on denture white side up, pink side down. Spray or
mist with water (lightly moisten) and gently tap seal into place with
fingertip. Do not oversaturate. 3. Put denture into mouth and bite down
evenly for 5 seconds. To remove seal from denture, lift corner and peel
away. One seal lasts all day. Change seal daily.
if irritation occurs, discontinue use. Poorly fitting dentures may
impair health and interfere with the adhesive action of Sea-Bond®.
Consult dentist regularly. If you have a history of difficulty
swallowing or choking, you should not use this product. Keep out of
reach of children.
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